Tax Services – Form W – 8BEN-E

Form W-8 BEN-E is applicable for individual and sole proprietorship. If you are a company or an LLP, visit us here for Form W-8 BEN-E

What is covered as a part of this Service : –  

We review/ prepare Form W-8BEN-E that you can provide to your US customer. The process involves the following  : –  

  • Assess the nature of income, required to be covered under Form W-8 BEN-E,  which could be : –  
  • Salary ;  
  • Capital gains on sale of shares of US company ; 
  • Withdrawal of 401k ; 
  • Income from freelancing Activities ; 
  • Interest income ; 
  • Fees for consulting / Technical / IT Services   
  • Ascertaining relevant clause of India-US Tax Treaty – We do not arrive at your tax liability, but identify the relevant clause and high level benefit, that may be available  
  • Assess the applicable tax rate on the income under Treaty provision ;  
  • Preparation/ review of W 8 BEN-E Form.  

You need to complete the following Form (takes 2-3 minutes) to help us provide a quotation. 

 What is not covered ?  

  • Written Opinion/ advise on your tax liability ;  
  • Complex Issues that may require additional research on the topic;  
  • Any topic which is other than the one  which   is provided in the Form 
  • US local income tax implications on the income ;  
  • Ascertaining your residential status 

You can complete the Form to move forward

Timing – 1-2 working days  

Pricing : To be provided post review of the data

Link to make Payment – W8BEN-E Form Payment Here

Please note that once the work is initiated, the payment made is non-refundable. Please note that the charges are same for completion of Form or providing relevant Treaty clause

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CA Arinjay Jain

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